Founding Member

Philip Brown

PB teaches classes on Enforcing the Covenants, Budgets, Effective Meetings, Reserves and Collecting Assessments

Founding Member

Philip Brown

After a term in the military and a few years of social work with mentally ill adults, Phil “PB” returned to school and earned a JD/MBA in 1998. PB worked in private practice and at the Office of the Arizona Attorney General before opening the Brown Law Group in 2006. In 2023, the firm was renamed Halk, Oetinger & Brown.

PB teaches classes on Enforcing the Covenants,  Budgets, Effective Meetings, Reserves and Collecting Assessments, Transition from Developer Control, Arizona Community Association Law, and Board Responsibilities. PB and his life partner, Michelle, are happily raising their three girls, two dogs, and two cats. In off hours, you may find PB trail running in the mountains surrounding Tucson, or mixing in an occasional round of golf.

Halk, Oetinger, and Brown

Flat Rate General Counsel Services

We provide certainty to Associations on collection and legal services.
Assessment collection is the strength of our firm, but we provide a full range of services to planned communities and condominiums.

Flat Rate General Counsel Services for Homeowners Assocations

Satisfied Homeowner's Association Clients

Read what our clients have to say about us...

"As an absentee owner my interaction with this law firm has been extremely professional. From their responsiveness and extensive explanation of an issue created by my tenant. They were very generous with their settlement proposal which I happily accepted."

Janelle Morris

"Phil is both a nice person and extremely competent with HOAs. Responsive and to the point he is a key part of your team."

David Peters

"Great response time. Seem knowledgeable. Glad we are doing our POA monthly retainer."

Jennifer Hensley